

Where History, Culture, and Spirituality Unite in Ancient Splendor.

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A Journey to Ancient Splendor

Step into the enchanting city of Harar, one of Ethiopia's oldest and most revered destinations. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, nestled on the eastern border of the Somali region, offers a spiritual ambiance that transports you back to medieval times, immersing you in a unique atmosphere found nowhere else in Ethiopia.

Why Harar?
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A Little about Harar

Discover the Holiness of Harar

Embrace the religious significance of Harar, hailed as the fourth holiest city in Islam. The old city of Harar boasts an impressive collection of 99 mosques and shrines, symbolizing the 99 names of Allah. Sheikh Abadir Umar ar-Rida, the Arab Muslim cleric, played a pivotal role in shaping the Islamic heritage of this ancient city. His legacy began in 1216 when he arrived in Harar, married a local woman, and constructed the revered Jamia mosque.

Step into History

Wander through the labyrinthine streets of Harar and experience its vibrant markets, storied past, and captivating cultural artifacts. Explore the well-preserved Harar Jugol wall, an imposing fortress enveloping the ancient city. Dating back to the 13th to 16th century, this 3.5km long and 5-meter high wall once boasted five gates, each leading to different quarters of the city. This architectural marvel stands as a testament to Harar's historical significance.

Encounter the Hyena Men

Embark on a unique experience in Harar by witnessing the tradition of feeding hyenas. Originating in the 20th century, the Harari people began feeding hyenas to protect their livestock. Today, this ancient practice continues as the hyenas emerge at night to be fed by the local "hyena man." Venture east of the Erer Gate to witness this extraordinary ritual and even participate in feeding the hyenas under the guidance of the local expert.

Immerse Yourself in Cultural Museums

Delve into Harar's rich heritage at the Sherif Harar City Museum, a treasure trove of artifacts from various regions, including Amhara, Gurage, Oromo, Somali, and Argoba. Explore an array of jewellery, coins, weaponry, textiles, and ancient manuscripts that offer glimpses into Ethiopia's diverse cultural tapestry. Additionally, visit the Arthur Rimbaud Museum, dedicated to the famed French poet who found inspiration in Harar. Marvel at his captivating photographs and delve into the poetic spirit of this mystical city.

Embrace the Vibrant Markets

Unleash your senses in Harar's bustling marketplaces, where a multitude of sights, sounds, and scents come alive. Stroll through the spice market, recycling market, Shoa Gate market, and the renowned Erer Gate market. From livestock to electronics, cultural dresses to herbs and spices, these vibrant marketplaces offer an immersive experience and a chance to indulge in some retail therapy while soaking up the electric atmosphere.

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Savor the Finest Coffee

Harar is a haven for coffee lovers, renowned for its exquisite coffee beans. Embark on a sensory journey as you sample the region's finest brews and partake in traditional coffee ceremonies. Don't forget, according to local tradition, consuming fewer than three cups brings bad luck to the household—embrace the cultural significance while savoring this aromatic delight.

Embark on a mesmerizing journey to Harar, where spirituality, history, and vibrant culture converge to create an experience like no other. Discover the allure of this ancient city with Sawla Tours and immerse yourself in its timeless charm.

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At Sawla Tours, we are passionate about turning your travel dreams into reality. With years of hands-on experience in crafting unforgettable journeys to Ethiopia, we are your go-to experts in deciding when to travel, where to explore, and what to discover.

Whether you have a detailed itinerary in mind, seek professional advice, or simply don't know where to begin, we're eager to assist. Reach out to us today, and together, we'll create an extraordinary travel experience tailored just for you.

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